Teaching Undergraduate Global Health:
2015 Summer Institute for Curriculum, Course Design, and Assessment
Thank you for joining us for the 2015 Summer Institute on Curriculum and Course Development in Undergraduate Global Health
Participants had the opportunity to:
• Develop a novel global health course, modify an existing course, or develop a module to add more explicit global health content into existing disciplinary courses.
• Gain tools to strengthen their institutions’ curricular programming in global health.
• Engage faculty from a variety of disciplines and institutions and explore collaborations both at the course and curricular level.
• Registration fees, meals, and lodging will be covered for accepted participant
• Travel costs will be covered by participants.
Participants may come from any disciplinary background, and from a variety of stages in their academic career. Faculty, staff, and administrators who are interested in the role of global public health as a rich learning tool to prepare undergraduate students for complex, highly inter-connected and globalized world as both professionals and educated citizens are encouraged to attend.
The LEAP (Liberal Education & America's Promise) National Leadership Council recommends an undergraduate education that intentionally fosters, across multiple fields of study, wide-ranging knowledge of science, cultures, and society; high-level intellectual and practical skills; an active commitment to personal and social responsibility; and the demonstrated ability to apply learning to complex problems and challenges (Albertine, 2007, AAC&U). Global health issues - those that are both domestic and focused internationally - is a field which embodies these educational ideals. Moreover, the need to train more students - both as professionals and educated citizens - in the field of global and public health is more vital now than ever to help our undergraduate students meet the health and sustainability challenges of our complex globalized society.

Support Provided by:
Thu June 4 – Sat June 6, 2015
Council of Environmental Deans and Directors
Lydia Gearhart, AC'10

Alejandro Weil, AC '16, conducting Community Health Needs Assesment. Image by Mary Nagel, AC '15