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Participants may come from any disciplinary background, and from any stage of their academic career. Faculty, staff, and administrators who are interested in the role of global public health as a rich learning tool to prepare undergraduate students for complex, highly inter-connected and globalized world as both professionals and educated citizens are encouraged to attend. 

Criteria for Participation in the Summer Institute:

  • Participants should be educators who have responsibilities in higher education related to Global Health.

  • Participants will represent a diversity of perspectives, disciplines, and ability to engage in an inclusive fashion.

  • Participants are asked to bring a course, assignment, or curriculum design or revision to work on during the Summer Institute.

  • Institutional teams are welcome to apply and work jointly on a single curricular project.

Participants will have the opportunity to:


  • Develop a novel global health course or modify an existing course

  • Gain tools to assess and strengthen their institution’s undergraduate curricular programming in global health

  • Focus on the challenges and benefits of domestic and international experiential curriculum and reflect on ways to strengthen programming to improve student learning and community partnerships

  • Engage educators from a variety of disciplines and institutions and explore collaborations both at the course and curricular level

Apply Now


Instructions for Application:

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and applicants will be notified within two weeks of submission.

APPLICANT PROJECT:  In the application, each applicant is asked to specify which course, assignment, or program curriculum they plan to focus on during the Summer Institute. This will allow us to design workshop sessions to align with the needs and interests of our unique group of participants. You will be asked to upload a description of your course (new course development or course assignment, module, or structural revision), or curricular goals (experiential learning, assessment, program design or evaluation) that you intend to work on during the Institute.​

In addition, the application includes a brief applicant biography and "statement of purpose" describing what you hope to gain from this experience. 

APPLICANT BIO:  Briefly describe your own (inter)disciplinary interests related to global health. If accepted, this brief bio of your work related to global health teaching or scholarship would be shared with other participants. Length: ~100 words.

APPLICANT GOALS: Please provide a brief description of what you hope to get out of this summer institute as an individual and what you hope your institution can gain by your participation (500 words or less). 

Apply Now


**Will be virtual for the 2021 workshop


Submit a poster abstract! We are particularly interested to hear about your institution's program, unique course innovations related to global health, and creative ways that your institution has found to integrate global health themes into the undergraduate curriculum and co-curriculum. We will have a virtual poster and networking session one afternoon of the workshop. Participants are not required to present, but it may be a useful way to share information about your unique population, program, curriculum, or community engaged projects. 


Directions for submitting your abstract:

  • Access the Poster Abstract form by clicking here

  • Abstract must include Poster Title, Author(s), Author(s)' Title, and Institutional Affiliation(s)

  • Abstract must be < 250 words.

  • Email questions about the poster session to: Dr. Caryl Waggett <>.


Registration Fees:  The fee to attend the 2021 Summer Institute is will be $350 for those who submit their application by or prior to February 15, 2021. The cost of registration after February 15 and until March 15 will be $400. The cost will increase to $495 after March 15. Registration fees include all resources and materials and costs for running the conference. Participants will be charged at time of acceptance to secure their space. Registration fees may be paid securely online after acceptances have been awarded.  Applicants must be accepted before payment can be submitted.

Apply by:

     Feb 15:     $350 (Early registration) 

     Mar 15:    $400 (Regular registration)

     May 01:    $495​ (Late registration)

Scholarships and Discounts:


Teach Global Health provides several scholarships and discounts.  


Institutional team: When multiple individuals (2+) are accepted from a single institution as part of an institutional team, each applicant is eligible to receive a 20% discount. Apply here for the Institutional Team Discount.  


Scholarship: Individual applicants from minority-serving institutions, community colleges, low-middle income countries, or with significant demonstrated financial need are eligible for a scholarship of 50%.  Apply here for a Teach Global Health Scholarship.  


Case Study Awards: Scholarship awardees can also apply to develop a brief case study.  Completion of the case study will grant an award to cover the cost of the registration fees.  Contact Teach Global Health director for an application for the Case Study Award.

Case Study Awards:

Goal: This scholarship rewards the development of a brief case study that can be used by colleagues in undergraduate and master’s level courses with Common Copyright attribution.  


Learning Objectives: The brief case study must have 2-4 learning objectives for the students that covers content area (a global health issue, process, or approach); application to a specific region, context, or culture; and reflection about scalability (can this case’s findings apply beyond the specific context?).  


Brief Case Study Structure:  The brief case study must provide:  

  • Readings / Films / Resources:  a minimum of 2 outside resources for students to engage on the topic (articles, films, white papers, etc.); 

  • Course Content:  some direct course materials (typically a PowerPoint / set of digital slides that can be adapted into an existing course) that provides an overview of the issue or problem, details of the context, and strategies and approaches used; and 

  • Student Activity:  an activity that aligns with the listed learning objectives.  


Sample topics: 

  • Exposure to lead in homes in rural northwest Pennsylvania - a case study

  • The need to prioritize women in US refugee populations 

  • Mobile healthcare units in rural southern Tanzania 

  • ASHAs (community health workers) as keystone health agents in southern India

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